Hello everybody!! Today I will tell you about this new brand. Monica Ecco is born with a lot of enthusiasm and desire, all new projects should start like this, because all the obstacles that we find in the beginning are softened by the momentum and positivity of the beginning. And at that moment I am now, very excited and happy.

Why Monica Ecco? It doesn't mean "ecological" no, they tell me that a lot.

It is difficult to find an ideal name for a brand, and I have always dedicated myself professionally to image, I pay close attention to details, search in your life for those things that have marked you and that with a name you are able to reflect, it is very important. And of course that the name does not go unnoticed, that it engages, that it pleases, the famous, "engagement", so interesting at the moment, attracting attention from the beginning, from the moment the name is given to a brand, always based on course, not as something empty, but full of content.

It is very important to have a “Why?” A story to tell.

Monica is by my own name of course, and Ecco, by the echo, without more, the echo when you scream and your voice returns to you. On the one hand, there is a song that has marked the last times of my life and here something to do with this echo that I have used in the name. "Echo" by Izal.

"... Echo , I have sewn kisses on my head
those that are given without asking, without fear...
I have bought my ticket with destination to be fixed
And leave the turn open
I've run too much and now I can't stop
And my voice bounces against the sea…”

And why in Italian? Because Italy has marked my life, I am in love with this beautiful country that has given me so much, so many professional and personal joys. Definitely very important in my life.

I hope you liked my story about Monica Ecco, and I also hope you like it as much as I do.



Muy original tu “apellido”. Preciosos los artículos. El “eco” siempre vuelve, igual que Italia, va y viene, porque la amamos. Mucha suerte y éxito en tu proyecto.

Mercedes % d% B,% Y

Me encanta la historia ♥️♥️

Marisa % d% B,% Y

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